***This posting contains spoilers for a movie that was released over the summer. So, if you read this and learn things you didn't want to know, well, it's your own fault.***
I rented Wanted the other day. I'm sure we are all very much aware of my stance on Angelina Jolie's complete and total lack of acting ability. Fortunately, she doesn't do much more than stand around for most of the film, and even she can't mess that up.
The plot is this: A secret society of assassins called The Fraternity recruits Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) to avenge the death of his father. Or did they?
Wesley is trained by Fox (Angelina Jolie) and an assorted gang of assassins led by Sloan (Morgan Freeman). The Fraternity is descended from a society of weavers who discovered secret binary code in the cloth they wove that spelled out the names of people who should be assassinated. It doesn't tell them why, just that they need to be assassinated.
Wesley's father was supposedly killed by another assassin went rogue and killed a bunch of agents. Except, what really happened is that his father discovered Sloan's own name had come up on the cloth, Wesley's father had discovered it, and they brought Wesley in to hunt and kill his father. This is all pretty obvious.
The movie is filled with things that couldn't possibly happen in real life: bullets that curve, bullets that not only curve but also shoot all the way around a circle through like 8 skulls, Angelina Jolie does the right thing. But, the most unbelievable part of the film, Morgan Freeman says the F-word. Twice.

I love Morgan Freeman dearly. I had my first crush on him when I was 3. But there's something about him trying to come off as a bad-ass that just doesn't translate into realistic filmmaking. I know he's done action films, and he's played a tough guy or two, and he has a little earring, but Morgan Freeman is not a man who drops F-bombs. It's like seeing Mr. Rogers kick a puppy.
Anyhow, the film would be really great, if it didn't take itself so seriously. I expected it to be more like Shoot 'Em Up, which features a lactating prostitute and death-by-carrot. But, the film doesn't really know that it's ridiculous. And the gratuitous scene with Angelina's naked back is so unsexy you just want to cover her up and give her a sandwich. All in all, good film.
I rented Wanted the other day. I'm sure we are all very much aware of my stance on Angelina Jolie's complete and total lack of acting ability. Fortunately, she doesn't do much more than stand around for most of the film, and even she can't mess that up.
The plot is this: A secret society of assassins called The Fraternity recruits Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) to avenge the death of his father. Or did they?
Wesley is trained by Fox (Angelina Jolie) and an assorted gang of assassins led by Sloan (Morgan Freeman). The Fraternity is descended from a society of weavers who discovered secret binary code in the cloth they wove that spelled out the names of people who should be assassinated. It doesn't tell them why, just that they need to be assassinated.
Wesley's father was supposedly killed by another assassin went rogue and killed a bunch of agents. Except, what really happened is that his father discovered Sloan's own name had come up on the cloth, Wesley's father had discovered it, and they brought Wesley in to hunt and kill his father. This is all pretty obvious.
The movie is filled with things that couldn't possibly happen in real life: bullets that curve, bullets that not only curve but also shoot all the way around a circle through like 8 skulls, Angelina Jolie does the right thing. But, the most unbelievable part of the film, Morgan Freeman says the F-word. Twice.

I love Morgan Freeman dearly. I had my first crush on him when I was 3. But there's something about him trying to come off as a bad-ass that just doesn't translate into realistic filmmaking. I know he's done action films, and he's played a tough guy or two, and he has a little earring, but Morgan Freeman is not a man who drops F-bombs. It's like seeing Mr. Rogers kick a puppy.
Anyhow, the film would be really great, if it didn't take itself so seriously. I expected it to be more like Shoot 'Em Up, which features a lactating prostitute and death-by-carrot. But, the film doesn't really know that it's ridiculous. And the gratuitous scene with Angelina's naked back is so unsexy you just want to cover her up and give her a sandwich. All in all, good film.
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