Okay, so it's not a real jog because I did it on the elliptical trainer and I couldn't actually run for 2 miles on a surface or on the treadmill, but it's still a big accomplishment for me. And it only took me 22 minutes to get through. My lungs are only a little burny.
So what should the next goal be? I think that, by next Friday, I want to get my time on the elliptical up to 30 minutes. I think once I can get up to the 30 minute mark consistently, I can start working in some actual running on the treadmill.
The bad news, though, is that the harder I work out, the hungrier I am. This makes sense, since, after all, I'm burning up calories my body is used to having stored around my middle, and I'm trying not to replace them (i.e., create a "calorie deficit" to cause weight loss, not to starve myself...although it pretty much amounts to the same thing, I guess), but it's very unpleasant being hungry. And being hungry makes me cranky. I'm just hoping it that, in the near future, my body figures out that it's not going to get any extra food, so it might as well look elsewhere for nutrients. Like my chins.
Congrats! I love the elliptical, though I prefer "pedaling" backwards. Can't seem to go forwards--too awkward. I do 28 minutes on the "weight loss" setting and set it at 4/8 for the low/high settings. Got some chins to work off myself.... ;)
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